
As a developer, I'm passionate about sharing my knowledge and experiences with the community through talks and presentations. On this page, you'll find an overview of some of the talks I've given on various topics related to development.

From discussing the latest trends and technologies to sharing practical tips and tricks, my talks cover a wide range of subjects that I hope will be informative and insightful for developers of all levels.

If you're interested in learning more about any of the topics covered in my talks, I invite you to check out my overview of talks at Sessionize or this overview of published talks at YouTube where you can watch the full recordings and dive deeper into the subject matter.

  1. CSS Can Do What?!

    This talk aims to explore CSS trends to look out for with current browser support and how it can impact the way you maintain your frontend projects. In lots of cases, you can offload JavaScript calculations by leveraging CSS properties and capabilities.

    We also highlight that, by depending more and more on JavaScript oriented frameworks, we might unintentionally create a blind spot for either HTML and CSS pillars of the web. It might be vary valuable to, with intent, take a look at how these core technologies can help us.

  2. Navigating Design System Maturity in Tech Organizations

    While conducting the investigation that led us to level up the internal design system at Jumbo Supermarkten, I got in touch with a lot of peers in other organisations. During the talks I've had, I started to notice emerging patterns that apply to organisations of various sizes, compositions and levels of maturity. It appears that process for maintaining or taking care of codebases and libraries tends to follow certain patterns.

    In this talk, we'll highlight some of these patterns and organisational compositions where they could fit.

    This topic appears to be widely applicable, since all organisations change over time, which leads to changing the needs of processes, since they often reflect the culture of an organisation.

  3. What if you're good enough?

    A talk more aimed at developer culture and mental state rather can coding conventions or solutions.

    Impostor Syndrome is very common in high performing industries such as tech or development. We'll discuss the traits that align with being a good enough developer and what it actually means to be "good enough".

    The talk is inspired by, and expands upon, Confession from an Impostor by Kyle Simpson and is about 20 minutes long.

  4. Zero conflict marriages with Astro

    Astro is an all-in-one framework with a focus on high performant delivery of content. It support popular frameworks like ReactJS, Angular, VueJS and Svelte with zero configuration.

    In this talk we'll discover some of the features and top notch developer experience of Astro by showcasing the zero config setup and having a miniature React JS application communicating with a miniature VueJS application.

    I will also showcase the performant side of Astro by quickly deploying and showcasing the out of the box performance of a simple website.

    The session is meant to inspire and support the opening of traditional developer tech silos with supportive modern frameworks.

  5. Great Migrations

    Working in software development, you know that managing dependancies and upgrading your tooling is a reoccurring activity. In this 20 minute talk I take the analogy of animal migratory patterns (channeling my inner David Attenborough) to look at risks and opportunities or strategies to conduct and manage migrations of software at a large scale.

    The subject of the talk is non technical by design and can be applied to various scenarios. To get the most out of the subject, the target audience would ideally have to have some idea on large scale migration woes.

  6. Gotta have more Cowbell

    This talk is about adopting new frameworks. In this case getting familiar with Vue3, TypeScript and building a small application with it.

    Key takeaway here is that learning should be fun and you should pick a method that fits with your method of learning (reading documentation, doing video tutorials, writing articles or building stuff).

    This talk has a length of approximately 20 minutes and features some live coding. It is suitable for beginner to intermediate developer audience.

  7. Nuxt as the Backbone of Scalable E-Commerce

    At the 2022 NuxtNation Conference my talk on how Nuxt can fit in with enterprise scale architectures. I gave an inspirational talk about how we at Jumbo Supermarkten have devised a platform to publish our E-Commerce.

    It starts with a bit of context and a short history, where we will start to apply the changes that are needed to move to the newly built platform.

    The talk is about 20 minutes long.

  8. Maintaining a Component Library at Scale

    At the 2022 FrontMania conference I gave a lightning talk about how at Jumbo Supermarkten we are able to leverage the potential of the entire Frontend Chapter to maintain and improve our Component Library.

    I gave a bit of context on why we think this is a good idea, how we've organised ourselves and what (automated) measures we put in place to streamline our process.

    Being a lightning talk, it is about 15 minutes long and doesn't require highly technical knowledge to understand the concept.

  9. Building a Frontend Platform with Nuxt

    My dear colleague Yassine and I spoke together a the VueJS Amsterdam ❤️ conference in 2022, where we detailed the way we are building a Frontend Platform to server our customer needs.

    In the talk we provide some context on why we made the decisions that lead the way to the solution that fitted best for us.

    During the conference Yassine takes over halfway (being part of the team that is building the solution) to explain how it works and what challenges we overcame.

    The talk is about 20 minutes long and doesn't require highly technical knowledge.

    Link to original
  10. Snowflakes are the worst

    When dealing with an organisation where you use a component library and each team maintains its own domain, there is an easy pitfall of adding small bits of "domain specific" components to your own code base.

    In a 15 minute talk I explain why this is a bad practice and how to arrange for a workflow where snowflakes (as these custom tailored components are often called) are prevented.

    This is a talk that is suitable for developers as well as designers, since the topic spans both disciplines and isn't technical.