1. On Design System Maturity Models

    Reading time: 9 minutes
    Posted 9 months ago

    To provide a bit of context, I think itโ€™s valuable to have a rough idea on where Iโ€™m currently working. Iโ€™m part of a large scale company with a reasonably sized tech department. The tech department consists of 400+ individuals and we favour to do a lot of developments in house if we can. Our main focus is e-commerce and the solutions within the supply chain (think about distribution, stock optimisation, delivery and whatnot).

    Since a couple of years, Iโ€™ve been invested in the component library weโ€™ve built over the years and I gave talks on our organisational efforts surrounding the maintenance and developments. Within that capacity, I was able to share my story and chat with lots of peers from different types of organisations, but similar active topics. During those chats, the more people I talked to, the more I discovered patterns emerging. My attempts to structure these patterns have led to a model I came up with to capture Design System Maturity. Disclaimer: This is a work in progress and may be subject to change!

  2. Reimagining our Design System

    Reading time: 6 minutes
    Posted last year

    I work at Jumbo Supermarkten in software engineering. At Jumbo we have a big tech department (affectionately called the Jumbo Tech Campus, or JTC) where we work on all of our digital products: from eCommerce and planning applications to AI driven models for stocking and inventory. I'm going to focus mostly on the eCommerce branch, since this is where we can make a big impact on our customer experience.

    For our tech stack: we have an eCommerce engine which is enriched by (micro) applications and components built in Vue.js and Nuxt.js. There are multiple teams working on fulfilling the eCommerce goals and in order to deliver user interfaces as effectively as possible, we've built a component library that (in general, but we'll get to that) follows the designs and design system.

  3. Maintaining a Component Library at Scale

    Reading time: 5 minutes
    Posted 2 years ago

    Before we dive into the topic, a little bit of context would be necessary because we're going to talk about a solution that works for our organisation. Having context helps you in deciding if and what would work in your situation.

    So at the company I currently work for, we cater to a big audience. As a big company, we also have a big stake in IT solutions to get our businesses running. A lot of our software and tooling is build in house.